We are now soliciting submissions for the 2025 issue of Echoes & Visions. Submissions will be accepted until the end of May.  In June and July the editors will select work to be included in the next issue. We will notify submitters of our final decisions by the end of July.



Submit up to five poems, with each selection serving as a separate submission file. Submissions should be in .doc, .docx, .pdf, or .rtf. 


Prose pieces should be no more than 3,000 words, with each selection serving as a separate submission file. Excerpts from longer works are acceptable as long as they are able to stand on their own. Submissions should be in .doc, .docx, .pdf, or .rtf. 


Submit up to three pieces of art, with each selection serving as a separate submission file. Artwork should be scanned onto a computer and submitted as a .jpeg file.

Again, please submit all pieces individually. (That means if you submit a total of three poems, or three stories, or three photographs, we should see three separate submissions.)


1) We do not consider previously published work. (That means if your piece appears anywhere in print or online, we consider it previously published.)

2) Submissions must have original titles; no “untitled” pieces, please.

3) All accepted work is subject to revision. Editorial correspondence regarding revision deadlines will be sent via email, so it is extremely important to check your email regularly during that time. 

4) Accepted writers and artists must consent to First North American Serial Rights.

Cover Letters and Contact Information:

In the Cover Letter box, please include your name, phone number, mailing address, and a personal email account that you actually check so we can correspond with you should we have any editorial suggestions. In addition, please include a one-sentence author bio written in third person.

Here are two examples:

Betsy Ross has written poetry since she was twelve and is a Nursing major who will graduate in 2023.

Joe Cool is a professional welder who lives in Fruitland, MD, and specializes in nature photography. 

There is no need to describe your work--it should speak for itself.

We appreciate your creativity. We hope to respond to all submissions by late summer.

Students and former students of Wor-Wic should submit their work here.

Employees of Wor-Wic should submit their work here for consideration in this year's special feature showcasing employee writing, artwork, and photography. 

Echoes & Visions